Elektronická prihláška
7. European POWERFIT Natural cup
28.05.2022, DK Ržinov|Bratislava|SK (ŠK POWERFIT)
Slovenská asociácia naturálnej kulturistiky
 Počet kategórií spolu - 25 

všetky kategórie


– Classic Physique
– Natural Bodybuilding up to 175cm
– Natural Bodybuilding over 175cm
– Natural Bodybuilding up to 23 years
– Natural Bodybuilding 40-50 years
– Natural Bodybuilding over 50 years
– Natural Bodybuilding Teen 15-18 years
– Physique up to 180cm
– Physique over 180cm
– Physique Junior up to 23 years
– Physically Challenged


– Bikini Mamas
– Bikini Diva's up to 23 years
– Bikini Diva's over 35 years
– Bikini Diva's - Open
– Bikini Diva's Teen up to 18 years
– Fitness Figure over 35 years
– Fitness Figure - Open
– Wellness
– Sports Model over 35 years
– Sports Model - Open


– Fitness Kids 10-12 years
– Fitness Kids 12-14 years
– Fitness Kids 5-8 years
– Fitness Kids 8-10 years

Možnosť registrácie bola ukončená!
Formulár bol aktívny do 22.05.2022


1. During my preparation for this competition, organized by INBA GLOBAL, I was using only natural and drug-free nutrition and supplements and I was not taking any drugs, namely anabolic steroids, hormones, diuretics, or any other illegal substances that appear on the official list of forbidden substances issued by the WorldAnti-Doping Agency (hereinafter WADA, www.wada-ama.org). I hereby express my consent to undertake a doping control in compliance with anti-doping rules stipulated on Procedure of Performing Doping Control and Handling of Biologic Samples of Athletes. I agree with all the terms and rules of the competition.

2. I acknowledge and agree that in the event of positive result of my doping control, I shall be disqualified from the competition (which could also be done ex post facto), shall lose the right to participate in any other competitions posted in this system and shall risk other sanctions in accordance with the rules of INBA GLOBAL. I acknowledge and agree that in the event of positive result of my doping control I shall reimburse all costs and expenditures related to doping control according to theofficial price list.

3. I fullyagree with all there presentations I have made above and in witness there of.
1.) EN - Applications and informations
2.) Propozície

Zoznam registrovaných súťažiacich